Saturday, June 2, 2012

How to Hack Any Wifi Password Out of a Mac

As you can see, I'm posting a lot of Mac hacks. That's because my main hacking test group is the computers at school, and those are Macbooks. This hack builds on my last one, but it was extremely useful to me. It allowed my to get the wifi password for my school off of the Macs. Find out how after the break.

Become An Administrator

The first step is to become an administrator. That will give you access to the system keychain, which contains wifi passwords. I recently wrote an nice article on becoming an administrator on a Mac, so follow those steps.

Open Keychain Access

Next, you will need to access the keychain that the password is stored on. Luckily, all Macs come with a handy application called Keychain Access. Once you are logged in as an administrator, open the applications menu, click on the "Utilities" folder, and click "Keychain Access."

Get the Password

On the left-hand side, there will be a menu listing all of the keychains. Click on the one that says "System." If it promps you for your password, enter it. Then, look at the list of keys for the one with the same name as the wireless network. When you find it, double click on it. It will open a window.
However, the password is hidden by default. To show it, first click on the checkbox labeled "Show password." It will ask you if you want to allow this action. Click "allow" and enter your password. It will now show the wifi password in the "password" box. Enjoy.

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